


[FEH] Hubert True Solo vs Caeda Abyssal LHB


Lance fliers have long been one of the biggest problem units for Hubert in true solos, with the combination of movement, speed, and resistance making them quite difficult to remove from the map in a single round and liable to cause some sort of trouble.

Caeda turns that up to 11 by bringing an actual Atk stat to the party, along with a quite frankly ridiculous complement of Atk buffing enemies. By my count, four drive atks, including a Joint Drive, and a rein, and two or three ways of apply mass visible Atk boosts AND a Def/Res Ruse. Your desire to one shot things has been noted, Caeda.

Still, after carefully picking through the Atk buffing enemies, barely scraping through encounter with the TA blue cavalier on this year's dragonflowers, and dropping Caeda's Atk as low as possible, Hubert still cannot survive a round of combat without splashing her with an AoE first. Blazing Light is reliable for clearing the map up until this point, but with so few enemies remaining, we need to find a position where an enemy is on the diagonal from Caeda but where she can't reach Hubert to rip him in two with the power of love and/or Faithful Loyalty.

Our friend sword flier provides an easy solution. After the sword flier attacks Hubert from below, it has 3 movement thanks to Near Trace, and wants to retreat away from the fillers. Moving behind the sword cav, it then stays in place, as it would like to run straight to the right to get to Myrrh, but doesn't have any options to get to its desired tile, and so politely sits still for us to finish things up.

The fact that Hubert confirms the kill on Caeda with one point of damage to spare is so fortunate, I likely would have had to reroute a significant portion of this map if he hadn't been able to confirm the kill here. For every time there's a clever solution to a solo problem, there's another spot or two where something comes together just right without much effort, and I'm always grateful when it does. Phew.

#fireemblemheroes #hubertvonvestra #truesolo


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