


What AHR Could Have Been... | Aether Raids - Week 225 [FEH]


Yeah if you haven't seen my tweet about it, I went 0-3 this round in the VG. All against Fomortiis 😅

I have a Twitter account now! Follows are appreciated!

0:00 - Introduction
0:39 -[Title] Match 1 Offense Prep
1:14 - [Title] Match 1: S!Edelgard Galeforce VS Double V!Lif and B!Catriaa!
3:36 - Match 2 Offense Prep
4:11 - Match 2: Ninjorrinforce VS Embla, V!Chrom, and Yune!
6:49 - Match 3 Offense Prep
7:18 - Match 3: Ninjorrinforce VS L!Claude, L!Lilina, and Orson!
9:37 - Match 4 Offense Prep
9:56 - Match 4: Ninjorrinforce VS L!Shez, L!Tiki, and L!Edelgard!
12:23 - Match 5 Offense Prep
12:50 - Match 5: Ninjorrinforce VS B!Seliph, B!Tiki, and D!Sigurd!
16:03 - [Title] Match 6 Offense Prep
16:31 - [Title] Match 6: S!Edelgard Galeforce VS V!Chrom, V!Lif, and H!Leif!
19:26 - Match 7 Offense Prep
20:06 - Match 7: Ninjorrinforce VS F!Rhea, V!Lucina, and F!Hardin!
22:59 - Match 8 Offense Prep
23:26 - Match 8: Ninjorrinforce VS B!Seliph, Gatekeeper, and Embla!

#FEH #FEHeroes #FireEmblemHeroes


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