


[FEH] "Kill Everyone", a Henry Montage


I'm really satisfied with this one.

When I first started making my Henry, I didn't think he would be *this* good. I legit feel he has something going for him, and at the very least, he is very slept on. CC + Owl is staple, but Owl Tomes in themselves simply bring out his potential on a whole other level.

He's a +7, +Def/-HP, +Res-refined (for this video, anyway). I'm considering making a video on how I stack defensive buff for these, but it's actually a lot easier than it seems. Most of the time it's only 1-2 adjacents, followed by Tactics, Drives and the like.


Intro: Dragon Ball Super OST - A Dangerous New Enemy
Outro: Deuce - Here I come (Instrumental, by Walter Fowlerthird)


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