


FEH Hero Merit Farm April 22nd, 2023 (2-Turn Galeforce, no dancer, 1 SS)


This map is really rough for F2P, if you got the P! Tibarn forma from the HoF a while back you’re pretty much set, but I’ll put him as my lead this week if you need him (FC: 15980227768). The only other thing you’ll need is a Res boosting SS on your ER cav.

Slots 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 are freebies

Slot 3: Ranged Escape Route Cavalier with a res boosting SS (not completely necessary if your cav can take a hit or two from Nino depending on speed, Warding Stance, Fortress Res, and even an HP + should work just fine)

Slot 7: Any Melee WoM user

Slot 8: P! Tibarn (or any other Flying Beast you can get working, tried Naesala and he just targets Say‘ri instead) with Sky-Pirate Claw, Galeforce, Heavy Blade (any variant), and Dive Bomb (to ensure you double Amelia, as she gets drive speed from A! Hilda)

I’m gonna keep trying to find a better, more F2P solution but this is the best one I’ve found. Best of luck this week, and hope it’s a great one.


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