


Cain and Abel Lunatic Quest F2P Guide BHB No SI - FEH


Hello everyone and welcome to Cain and Abel Bound Hero Battle Lunatic Quest Free to Play Guide! Tag team duo The Bull and The Panther return with quests in to tow: Defeat Cain using Sharena, Defeat Abel using Anna, and complete the entire battle using just Armor units. We won't be using Skill Inheritance for these solutions.

0:00 - Quest Timestamps
0:07 - Sharena and Anna Clear
3:18 - All Armor Clear

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Heroes List

Sharena and Anna Clear

Eir, 4* Sharena, Peony, 4* Anna
- Eir has Swift Sparrow 2 equipped
- Works with 5* Askr Trio

All Armor Clear
5* Valentine Lissa, 5* Winter Bruno, 5* Winter Ignatz, 5* Winter Jaffar
- Bruno has Fury 2 equipped (sidebars dont reflect stat change)
- Bruno has Death Blow 3 seal
- Ignatz has Fierce Stance 3 seal
- Jaffar has Armor March 3 seal

Note: I think Lissa can be swapped for any Armor that can help the others survive (eg. Draug with Ward Armor might work). Death Blow and Fierce Stance can be replaced with anything that can help KO Abel and the Archer

All units are Lv 40 and have all of their learnable skills equipped, except the changes above.
No SI, or other unit modifications were used


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