


FEH HM Farm January 6th, 2023 2-Turn Galeforce


Happy New Year.. six days late, anyways we got a decent(?) map this week but it just requires a bit of SI and shenanigans to beat.

Slot 5: any ranged WoM user (potentially with a higher atk stat than the other ranged user, haven’t fully tested that), I personally haven’t tested to see if it works with any non-flier but I imagine it shouldn’t affect the results too much

Slot 6: Naesala with refined Raven King Beak, double fortress Res 3, (for a lower atk stat to ensure Tsubasa survives long enough to proc galeforce) and galeforce

Slot 8: any ranged attacker with the lowest mt weapon and can tank Niime without getting doubled (I believe anyone with atk lower than 38 should be fine so Emmeryn with fear and Merlinus with iron dagger should work just fine, I also had Saias for a bit with Light and he works just fine)

So yeah fairly simple outside of the very specific requirements but I will definitely be putting Naesala as my lead incase anyone needs him, I mean need to do a purging of my friends list fairly soon as I’m hitting the 200 mark but all in all this week shouldn’t be too bad. Have a great one and hope to see you next week!


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