


How Guard Echo is Broken in the Best Possible Way [FEH]


Guard Echo, My Beloved
May the rng gods be kind and send me many Caedas

One tidbit I forgot to mention on how Guard Echo impacts me personally - I spent the last season carefully routing out Fomortiis and Gotoh, but couldn't close it out. My strategy ended with only Gotoh left with 27 health, but I couldn't close it out because I couldn't stop his Glacies charge. I should absolutely be able to do that now, though it may require rerouting as I'll miss a critical speed check without Fleeting Echo.

Less certain but also very promising are Lumera and Marth and Gullveig and Kvasir, both of which I have been looking for Incite A/D for. This is due to their extremely hostile opening turns preventing Hubert from getting any real traction on those maps, despite winning matchups (on paper) with the bosses. I don't know if Guard Echo alone will make the difference, but it's certainly a massive help and it's a big leap closer.

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