


FEH HM Farm August 24th, 2024 2-Turn Galeforce


So turns out there are quite a few options for this map.. somehow, I’ll include a link to the Reddit post with a couple alternatives in case you don’t want to use this one.

Slot 5 and 8- any ranged WoM users, really this could probably be anywhere but this worked best for me

Slot 7- M! Alear with Atk/Spd ideal 4, Repel 4, Galeforce, Liberation, and quickend Pulse (also works with a breath skill)

That’s about it. Here’s the link to the Reddit post if you wanna check out the comments on it for probably better alternatives https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/s/oW0ANIcN5t

Have a great week!


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