


Abyssal 1 Turn Clear - Shez, Dual Sword Master [FEH]


A pretty standard clear overall. Shez's main gimmick is teleporting around the map to allies that have already initiated combat, but that doesn't work if they don't survive that combat, of course.
Unfortunately, there isn't really an accessible position to simply clear every enemy with just a singular unit, so I opt for Duo Micaiah to defeat the Sword Knight, and from there it's just simple positioning. Note that Endless Tempest isn't really required; I'm pretty sure the warping effect of Oath 4 and a Gray Waves from an Azura would suffice, for example.
Funnily enough, on Infernal, my Legendary Fae is able to confidently outspeed Shez; however, his Spd gets a major increase between Infernal and Abyssal, so he wins out in the end (not like it matters).


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