


FEH HM Farm September 7th, 2024 2-Turn B! Seliph


This map is bad… like real bad, and it’s all thanks to Sain. This might be a bit difficult for some as I’m still not 100% sure how buffing B! Seliph’s speed makes him survive the first hit buuuuuut I won’t argue with an actual method that didn’t involve me pulling my hair out.

Slot 1- any ranged WoM user

Slot 2- B! Seliph with base kit and obstruct 1 SS. I know I have Galeforce on mine but after realization you really shouldn’t need any special on him

Slot 7- any ranged ER user, I used Cecilia with a speed buffing skill because she drops below half health which helps quite a lot. So basically any unit that can drop below half health and preferably not get doubled by Celica should work fine. You could probably even use a WoM user instead of this entirely

That’s it, looks simple on paper but can absolutely be frustrating. Have a great week!


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