


FeH - Legendary Hero Marth Battle (Abyssal) Clear


I first thought, at first glance, that I was going to have to skip the Abyssal difficulty and not get those golden accessories. Since it seemed a bit too hard for my team. Though I merely thought that since I was hooked (and still kind of) on Persona 5.

But when I beat Persona 5, I decided to actually try and attempt this hurdle. It took me a good two hours, but I'm happy to say that I did without switching anyone out on my team (though I did have to use a different skill on Morgan). And here is how.

Eirika: +Atk, -Res
M!Grima: +Atk, -Spd
F!Morgan: Neutral
L!Ryoma: +Atk, -HP

I don't own any of the songs used in this video.


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