


FEH Infernal Garon GHB cleared


This is the closest I could get to a F2P clear on Garon. Veronica is neutral since she was my free summon for CYL2. Ike is neutral as well. Fjorm's merge shouldn't matter.

Fjorm - Regular kit plus Reposition and Distant Defense 3 Seal
Legendary Ike - Regular kit plus Quick Riposte Seal 3
Veronica - Regular kit plus Attack +3 and Attack +3 Seal
Olivia (YT) (+ATK and -RES so it should make little difference) - Triangle Adept 3 plus Drive Attack 2 Seal (TA3 probably doesn't matter much)

You might be able to substitute Olivia for another red dancer. A red dancer is needed to pull the blue armor away from Ike.


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