


Zelgius True Solo vs. Xander Infernal GHB - [FEH]


Xander Infernal Grand Hero Battle

Zelgius marches to the castle to steamroll Xander and his guards. To achieve victory, Zelgius needs to equip HP/Res 1 seal where it gives +3 HP and +1 Res. Next, Brave Hector needs Triangle Adept 3 and Ridersbane to manipulate the AI RNG where the lance fighter and Xander will swap positions, which puts Zelgius in a better situation. The Brazen Atk/Spd 3, Vengeful Fighter 3, and Atk Smoke 3 are necessary for him to survive. The lance knight, the green cavalier, and the green mage can dish damage against Zelgius. With proper positioning and a bit of RNG manipulation, Zelgius comes out victorious.

Soloist: +Atk -Res Water Zelgius (leader)
Teammates: Valentine Eliwood, Brave Hector, and +Atk -HP Hardin

Game: Fire Emblem Heroes
Platform: Android

Music from Respective Owners:
Etrian Odyssey Untold 2: The Knight of Fafnir OST: Battlefield - Heaven's Governor by Yuzo Koshiro, Arranged by Masaru Yokoyama and Takeshi Yanagawa

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