


FEH Tiki Vs Abyssal Lyn LHB


This took two tries to beat. So relatively easy for me luckily. The things I noticed in the first run was:
1: If I'm going to have Legendary Tiki be the main hitter for a lot of units, she needs to be able to heal. Resolved by giving Aether and Steady Breath since everybody though is more or less physical attacks.
2: It'd probably be handy to have a little better movement skills since majority of the enemies are blues and archers.
Overall, their default kits are mostly unchanged for this (Summer Mystery wasn't even touched though she didn't have to attack anyways).
So making the adjustments to my team after I failed the first attempt, it was super easy on the 2nd.
On the flip side of that, while Abyssal Lyn only took two tries to beat and Infernal Eirika was a one and done first try clear, Abyssal Eirika is proving much more challenging. Reminds me of Abyssal Marth where its mostly a lose lose situation. Difference being Abyssal Marth has Binding Shield while Eirika has Lunar Brace. Two very different B Slot skills, both just as equally annoying. Both great stages to take a 2 range unit in. If only Tiki was a 2 range unit.


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