


GHB Lloyd revisited: Abyssal - Legion only clear [FEH]


Infernal clear here: https://youtu.be/i0BJ-9AkP5U

So back in infernal, I used smite to push a Legion over the river to divide (and conquer) the enemy forces. Turns out if you repeat that like a 100 times it also works for abyssal.

Also one Legion got a new toy to play with. Unfortunately I only seem to pull Arthur from green orbs nowadays so he's still the only one with it. At least I have swap fodder for days right

Music used:
Prepare to Charge - FE: Blazing Sword OST
Black Fang - FE: Blazing Sword OST
Shadow Approaches - FE: Blazing Sword OST
Safeguard - FE: Blazing Sword OST
Strike - FE: Blazing Sword OST
Winning Road - FE: Blazing Sword OST
Softly with Grace - FE: Blazing Sword OST


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