


[FEH] The General Challenges Berkut: Prideful Prince [Zelgius True Solo - Infernal]


Build do Zelgius [Zelgius' Build]

IV - +Spd/-Res
Merges - 5
Weapon - Alondite
Special - Black Luna
A - Steady Breath
B - Vantage 2
C - Atk Smoke 3
S - Quickned Pulse

Como esse mapa deixa as unidades muito afastas, eu tentei dar um jeito de manter o Zelgius na range do Wings of Mercy das 3 Azuras e trazer elas pro lado esquerdo da tela. No entanto o Mago Verde não morre com uma paulada com o Vantage 3 já que ele tá no defense tile, logo eu mantive Vantage 2 pra ele estourar o Black Luna no Mago Verde e me por na linha do Wings of Mercy. O restante é autoexplicativo.

This map don't allowed us to join the units as quick as possible, so I try to made a way to put Zelgius in Wings of Mercy range so I can move the Azuras to the left corner. But the Green Mage won't die if Zelgius don't proc Black Luna on him because of defense tile, so I put Vantage 2 to let him hit me, put me in Vantage 2 range, Wings of Mercy to move the girls and clean the map with Black Luna. [Sorry for my bad English..]

Thumb: https://devierwin.deviantart.com/art/Fire-Emblem-Heroes-Wallpaper-Zelgius-727494409

Portraits: https://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Main_Page


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