


Brides Have Arrived (☆▽☆) - Bridal Bloom Banner & First Impressions! | FEH News 【Fire Emblem Heroes】


The Bridal Banner is back and is arriving on May 21st in Fire Emblem Heroes!

Called the Bridal Bloom Banner the new Brides are Ninian, Sanaki and Tharja. The first look is that they're amazing and frankly I'm surprised how much better this years FEH Bridal Banner is better than last years.

Still, the stats aren't out so I can't say for sure but at least this banner is easy to suggest pulling for!

This is basically where all my orbs will go to for a month!

Also my favourite here is Bridal Tharja. 😀

What about you guys?

★Fire Emblem Heroes★ I make lots of Fire Emblem Heroes videos and have been for a long time now. They're on a huge variety of things from standard things to Summons and Arena to FEH news, Hero Reviews and more! Check them out below! 😀

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NNID: Nimious
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