


Haar & the Radiant Dawn Laguz (¬‿¬ ) Out of Gallia Art Viewing | FEH Art 【Fire Emblem Heroes】


With the new update to FEH comes all the datamined art for the Radiant Dawn, Out of Gallia banner!

As a result, we are able to check out the art for the Radiant Dawn Laguz (Ranulf, Lethe, Mordecai, and Caineghis) and Haar!

The art this time around was definitely nice as almost all the art captures the heroes and their personalities exactly! We also learned that the artist for Caineghis is the original Radiant Dawn artist!

Anyways, enjoy the Out of Gallia Art viewing party with me and the Nimdom Peeps!
★Admiring Art★
As a big fan of Fire Emblem Heroes I like to look and admire the art of the heroes! Sometimes we have guests as we check out the newest heroes of FEH. :]

Watch as we go over every inch of heroes and discern far too much from every detail!https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmi4LRP1C0fZ9lAgl0bn6w6nDoGH_2dVl
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