


Short FEH Stream on Random Stuff! | Live Streamed 【Fire Emblem Heroes】


Late night stream cause I promised to stream but then I took a nap and then I overslept said nap so now it's really late but I a man of promise and what not so we do stream!

We do the Bound Hero Battle then proceed to be bad in Chain Challenges essentially lol. :[

★Fire Emblem Heroes Streams★ You might already know this but I stream pretty often! I usually try and stream daily at 7:30 PM Eastern time buuuuut I know that's not a good time for everyone so I present to you the archives of my streams. These past streams are in there entirety so if you liked my stream and want more here they are! :]

➤ Me be Social:
NNID: Nimious
Fire Emblem Heroes ID: 2914064606
Twitter: @NimiousSSB


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