


[FEH] Squad Assault 4th Assault [4* Only Guide](Some SI for Map 5) - Fire Emblem Heroes


Hello and welcome to my 4* only guide for Squad Assault 4. Sadly I was unable to complete this one without SI, reinforcement maps that can't be cheesed do that to you I guess. :/
I only used Skill Inheritance for Map 5. None of the other maps required Skill Inheritance, however I did use sacred seals in most maps, this being the first Squad Assault I also used Sacred Seals in.
I'm pretty proud to have gotten through Map 2 without skill inheritance though, what a menace that was.
As always, this is not a F2P guide since I use units I summoned however it is F2P friendly as you can use your own, preferably more powerful, units as replacements. Or you can save your better units for the maps you can't replicate, I dunno.
Disclaimer: If you don't use the same exact units as me with the same IVs, AI behavior may change and you will have to adapt to changes. I only use slight skill inheritance so that you yourself can use skill inheritance to patch up any weaknesses or shortcomings.
Without a further ado lets get into it.

My units- SS is short for Sacred Seal. I note a character's boon if it had an impact on the strategy. I also include what SI used on Map 5.
Map 1: F.Robin(QP SS), Barst(+Atk, Fortify Res 1 SS), Clive, Henry(Spur Res 1 SS)
Map 2: Soren(HP 3 SS), Abel(Fortify Def 1 SS), Narcian(Spur Def 1 SS), Mae(+Atk, Spur Atk 1 SS)
Map 3: Laslow, Donnel, Sully, Michalis
Map 4: Gordin(+Atk), Robin(Spd 1 SS), Palla(Squad Ace 1 SS), F.Corrin
Map 5: Cecilia(Spur Attack 3, Rally Attack, Atk 1 SS), Nowi(+Def, Sword Breaker 3, Sol, Distant Def 2 SS), Gunter(Green Tombreaker 1, Spur Spd 1 SS), Olivia

Suitable Replacement
Map 1
F.Robin: Green Tome with decent attack and res or blue tomebreaker. I used Nino before switching to F.Robin. She was good though the strategy is slightly different if you don't use Blue tomebreaker.
Barst: Brave Axe user with good attack. Barst also has spur attack 3 which helped.
Clive: Blue cavalry unit with decent defense or swordbreaker. Clive has slightly more res than Barst so he is not attacked by Lyn.
Henry: Any ranged unit that can deal significant damage to Lyn while being able to tank her for 2+ turns since she can't be countered. Even a -Atk Henry(mine) can do some good damage here.

Map 2
Soren: Decent attack green mage that can tank 51 phsyical damage.
Abel: Blue Cavalry unit with brave lance and enough def and spd/swordbreaker to tank Luke.
Narcian: Emerald axe with Lancebreaker. Or green brave axe user with lancebreaker and high def.
Mae: Blue mage with high attack and 33 speed or swordbreaker and can tank 51 physical damage. Mae effectively has 49 attack 34 speed and 52 hp+def in this video

Map 3
Laslow: Red sword with good defense and axebreaker
Donnel: Brave lance with an assist that can heal(ardent sacrifice, reciprocal aid). Should have lower defense than sword unit to attract Ninja with Poison Dagger.
Sully: Blue unit with swordbreaker or sapphire lance. I honestly don't know why S.Tiki didn't go after Sully. Doesn't have to be a cavalry unit if Michalis unit has Smite or Shove.
Michalis: High def green unit with decent attack or powerful special.

Map 4
Gordin: Brave Bow user. Surprisingly my +atk gordin needed hone attack to kill the sword flier.
M.Robin: Raven tome user with 25 or more speed or bowbreaker or triangle adept.
Palla: Red unit with ruby sword or triangle adept to attract S.Corrin. Also needs to be able to tank Elise for 2 turns or kill her in 1 turn(with green tomebreaker)
F.Corrin: Only here for hone attack. A dancer is pretty good in this spot.

Map 5
Cecilia: Green raven tome user with high attack or triangle adept and 30 or more speed or bowbreaker. Supports with rally attack and spur attack if necessary.
Nowi: Blue unit with good def that can counter at range and hits res. So Nowi... I think M.Robin with triangle adept and swordbreaker would work great here too or similar blue raven tome user.
Gunter: Green cavalry unit with green tomebreaker or brave axe. If you use Cecilia, have hone cavalry on this unit.
Olivia: Just use olivia. There is no replacement.

Check my pinned comment for in depth detail on the strategies I used on each map.

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