


The Issue with FEH Raven Tome Builds! | Live Streamed 【Fire Emblem Heroes】


Currently the fad running through Fire Emblem Heroes is really focused on Triangle Adapt + Raven Tome builds. The rational is that it can handle Brave Lyn while keeping a Hero strong against those they have an advantage against.

Is it really that good of an idea though?

In this scenario I have my Nino go against a Rauorraven+ and Triangle Adapt 3 Tharja.

Yes, I had Defensive Tile help but no it's not necessary. I only did so due to having taken damage. Still the point should be obvious. If you do a Raven Tome build over Blade Tome know that your hero may be insufficient versus what they should be beating!

Edit: I actually have a video vs a similar Tharja not on a Defensive Tile, watch out for that video's release!

★Fire Emblem Heroes★ I make lots of Fire Emblem Heroes videos and have been for a long time now. They're on a huge variety of things from standard things to Summons and Arena to FEH news, Hero Reviews and more! Check them out below! 😀

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