


FEH Arena: Melee Inf. Emb. Highlights - Feat. Br Sword Roy and Azuranee


*****Azuranee picture made by IDC_SAO. Check out this video to see how she was made
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TqT6lJoiGo *****

///// Roy /////
/// Level: 40 + 10 ///
/// Summoner Support Rank: S (HP+5, Attack+2, Speed+2, Defense+2, Resistance+2) ///
/// IVs: +Speed, -Resistance ///
/// A Skill: Life and Death 3 ///
/// B Skill: Wrath 3 ///
/// C Skill: Drive Speed 2 ///
/// Sacred Seal: Attack +1 ///

///// Brave Lucina /////
/// Level: 40 + 10 ///
/// IVs: +Speed, -HP ///
/// A Skill: Swift Sparrow 2 ///
/// B Skill: Lancebreaker 3 ///
/// C Skill: Drive Speed 2 ///
/// Sacred Seal: Speed +1 ///

///// Azuranee (Azura with Nephenee's Base Build) /////
/// Level: 40 + 10 ///
/// IVs: +HP, -Speed ///
/// A Skill: Distant Counter ///
/// B Skill: Wrath 3 ///
/// C Skill:Panic Ploy 3 ///
/// Sacred Seal: Distant Defense 1 ///

///// Anna /////
/// Level: 40 ///
/// A Skill: Distant Counter ///
/// B Skill: Quick Riposte 3 ///
/// C Skill:Attack Drive 2 ///
/// Sacred Seal: Fortify Res 1 ///


Wanted to showcase dealing with prominent arena things like Reinhardt, Brave Lyn, Brave Ike, and just some ranged units in general, with only infantry units, none of which are ranged, and none that are really hard counters.

It was surprisingly difficult to run into Reinhardt and Brave Lyn, so rather than do a deathless run, I took fights I felt were most notable, and put them together.

Roy has a brave sword to deal with high speed ranged units that I might not be in an ideal situation to have Lucina close to him to give him a speed boost, and because even at 53 speed, I might not be able to double some of the ranged units I've seen with Lucina.

It's been a long time since I've used Azura, and as one of my favorite characters, I wanted to find a way to reincorporate her into my arena team again. +HP is necessary for Azura for her to land panic ploy on ranged units, specifically Reinhardt. I just happened to have a +HP I pulled off focus banner. -Speed isn't as detrimental as it sounds since if need be, she is supported by Roy and Lucina for 9 extra speed, but her (Nephenee's) build is meant to one shot the things she fights. Honestly wasn't meaning to have her use Nephenee's whole base kit, just realized that's what it was after the fact.

While I'm using some hard to come by skills, I'm hoping that I can inspire people with the patience to take on projects, that they have freedom to use pretty much whomever they wish. That you don't need hard counters or popular/S+ tier units to get by.


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