


She's Coming For You... - FEH Brave Lucina Build How To! Fire Emblem Heroes Brave Lucina


FE Heroes Brave Lucina Best Build Time! FEH Brave Lucina PvP Build and PvE Advice! How To Build Brave Lucina!

FEH Brave Lucina Best Build time, everybody! I'm so lucky I snagged up a FEH Blucina in a random pull, and now I'm bring you a video filled with FEH Brave Lucina Best Build options and advice for how to use her in PvP and PvE! It's time for a FEH How To Build guide!

So, how DO you build FE Heroes Blucina? aka FE Heroes Brave Lucina is a wonderful support unit that can break out of it's shell and destroy some n00bs before heading back to give friends a spur buff to help them do what they do. Fire Emblem Heroes Brave Lucina is a force to be reckoned with - but PLEASE be careful as it's very easy to spread her thin!

Let's get to the FEH CYL Lucina fun! What is the Fire Emblem Heroes Brave Lucina best build? Let's watch this Fire Emblem Heroes guide and find out!

Did you get a Brave Lucina? What do you think? What is your FEH Brave Lucina Build? Post in the comments down below!


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