


[FEH] Tana True Solo - BHB Morgan & Morgan (Infernal / No Special)


Tana challenges her tactical limits with a no Special run (and no C skill)! Hit and Run came in handy here to dodge out of enemy attack ranges. The scattered water tiles seemed like an opportunity to abuse flier mobility, but it actually wasn’t that straight forward with 3 enemies being fliers themselves. Still had to play smart for Tana to find good matchup timings.

Using double Brazens was entirely for stacking enough ATK to take out the Axe Dragon in 3 hits. Brazen Atk/Spd was needed along with a SPD refined weapon to double Morgan(M) after eating his debuff, and Brazen Atk/Def was needed to increase Tana’s DEF to take 0 damage from Brave Sword and help tank the Axe Dragon after Carrot Lance healed up Tana just enough. Like with most runs, the build was focused on taking down the most troublesome enemy, and fine-tuned to help deal with any other problems.

Hope you all enjoy!


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