


FEH - Is F!Robin a good unit ?


Hello guys ! I show you my F!Robin freshly buildt ! (1:32 for the showcase)
Everyone says she's meh cuz her statlines and cuz she doesn't have acces to IVs but I think she can be cool if you invest a minimum !
That build is focused to have the most atk & res as possible ! (the opposite of her regular build in short)
She can reach 57 atk & 39 res when the conditions are gathered !
(On this video she's only against units from AA)

Musics used (instr.) :

🍁 赤髪のともさん使用BGM_黄昏の森編_green_hills
🍁 FEH Main Menu 8bit - Bulby
🌺 Super Nuko World (instr.) - mafumafu
🌺 Super nuko ni naritai (instr.) - mafumafu


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