


[FEH] Aether Raids #38 Day 1: Help! HELP!! (Tier 21)


My four season top 1k streak is on the line. It's looking real bad folks!

Fight 1: Just... Couldn't I have taken that Reinhardt? Why was I so scared? This one seems on me. Time out.

Fight 2: By 1 HP... This was a perfect otherwise. Need that LK merge baaaaad!! -40

Fight 3: This... Was tough. I didn't want Ophelia to break free and forgot about the right side. Ladder.

Fight 4: If you'd have told me an IP team would be my best fight, I'd have called you crazy. Thankfully it was pretty easily handled IP. Perfect.

- 40 offense lost (40 total)
- 0 defense lost (0 total)
- 0 Aether missed (4 missable)
- 2 ladders used (1 left)

Someone call a doctor or a priest. 13-14 fights to go and I've been shot and stabbed. This will be a miracle week if I can pull this off. On a better note: Jamke did well!

Get ready for a summoning session tomorrow!!

Missed an episode? Check out my Aether Raids playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqwsLksB-FeV837YxxLD3-Rx_5l1f-63Q

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