


[FEH] Aether Raids #42 Day 4: Naga Merging! (Tier 23)


And... We're back! I reset my defense and it was good enough for a win. Just one fight today to Regen Aether optimally. Naga levels up!

Fight 1: Few flaws here:
1) If you pick the defense panel map, you'd better be able to bring it! Because that's a huge advantage to a tank. I saw nothing that discouraged that play on my end.
2) Non optimal skills: Unfinished Alm, Azura needs better A slot.
3) Great +Atk Ophelia wasted due to fact she doesn't get her special charged!
4) No Healing Tower makes this really susceptible to Bolt / Pain (although to be fair I got lucky with perfect Bolt placement).

All these things combined to make this a relatively straightforward affair. It's too bad because there's a really strong core here. +Atk Ophelia with two Dumas is insane. A few changes and this becomes very scary! Don't mean to be critical just trying to give advice on how to improve this.


- 0 offense lost (20 total)
- 0 defense lost (165 total)
- 0 Aether missed (2 missed)
- 0 ladders used (1 left)
- 7 fights down (9 to go)

New defense came through! Perfect day!

How was your day?

Missed an episode? Check out my Aether Raids playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqwsLksB-FeV837YxxLD3-Rx_5l1f-63Q

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