

FGO(Fate/Grand Order)の攻略動画

【FGO】Yang Guifei My Room+Battle Voice Lines (English Subbed)


Wew, that likes line in 3rd Ascension.... Just wew....

►Credits for the translations goes to /u/Konchew on Reddit

Translation notes:
[1] In case you're wondering why Yuuyuu started talking about onsens at the end there, apparently, there is some onsen on some mountain and legend has it that this hot spring was created because of QSH. He flirted with some godwoman, but was rude to her so she spit on him and blisters appeared on QSH. He got scared, apologized to her and then the godwoman made a hot spring. ...Legends are weird. Thanks for the info /u/aabisector

[2] Apparently, Yuuyuu drank ground-up pearls as part of her 'luxurious lifestyle' to keep her skin smooth or something. Thanks /u/aabisector

[3] Not sure about this one, but it seems like she is humming her own name? Original is 'ヤンヤンヤヤン、ヤンユゥファン'

[4] 'Play' as in 'play an instrument'. Every 'play' is used with that meaning here.

[5] めらめら is an onomatopoeic word for flaring up/bursting into flames.

[6] Shangdi refers to the supreme god or a divine power regarded as the spiritual ultimate by the Chinese people from the Shang Dynasty. He controlled victory in battle, harvest, the fate of the kingdom, and the weather. Shang Di ruled a hierarchy of other gods controlling nature, as well as the spirits of the deceased.

[7] Purple Forbidden Enclosure - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purple_Forbidden_enclosure

[8] A new unit created by Tang's third emperor who worked as guards in the palace. You can read more here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_Guards_(Tang_dynasty)#Y%C3%BC_Lin_(Feathered_Forest)_and_Long_Wu_(Dragon_Martial)_Guards

[9] '北落師門' (North Gate of the Military Camp) is what Fomalhaut, the brightest star in the constellation of Piscis Austrinus, is called in Chinese. This star stands alone in the North Gate of the Military Camp asterism in the Encampment mansion. You can read up on the Encampment mansion here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encampment_(Chinese_constellation)

[10] 7 stringed Chinese musical instrument.

[11] Original is 'ライラ', but I don't know if this is Chinese or some Lovecraftian stuff so I just left it as is. ...It's not R'lyeh, is it? Nah, it can't be, that has nothing to do with Cthugha.

-FGO(Fate/Grand Order)の攻略動画

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