

FGO(Fate/Grand Order)の攻略動画

[FGO NA] Olympus - Super Orion Solo Zeus


Hey Zeus , can I date your daughter?
CE on Orion - Chaldea Lifesavers , any guts CE would work . The front line doesnt matter , just survive until Zeus activates his NP so Orion could deal with Zeus without Mash and Romulus standing in his way

Orion claimed that he could hunt every beast on earth , so Hera (or Gaia) sent a giant scorpion to kill him
In another version Artemis fell in love with him so her brother Apollo decided to make Artemis kill Orion .

At the end Zeus placed Orion among the constellations .
Orion is tired of these gods , time to punch them to death

-FGO(Fate/Grand Order)の攻略動画

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