

FGO(Fate/Grand Order)の攻略動画

FGO NA - Saber Wars 2 Rerun 2023 - Special Bounty: Dark Rounds Shadow (Gong - Gilgamesh 4T)


After checking the numbers, I decided it was time to grail Gong: it costed me only 3 Grails (the last ones sadly…) and the extra atk stat will enable new setups for farming (especially for the lv90+ nodes), so they are well invested.

My grailed NP1 Gilamesh could min-turn, but the RNG was a bit too high for me to waste my time resetting while studying for my exams.

Strangely enough I didn’t find any high NP level Gilgamesh or Raikou from supports (and I searched a lot). For comparison it would have been easier to reach the required damage taking a high NP level Raikou or Gilamesh from supports, instead of NP5 Space Ishtar or Summer Musashi.

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LINK to my FARMING GUIDE for the new lv90+ node:

1) If not min-turning (4T) with high NP levels DPS, you’ll need at least 4 turns to kill each enemy given the nature of the fight (special damage reduction & break bars) and they all have 4 bars NPs (3 for Tristan). Furthermore, each enemy has his own NP charge skill so even with a perfect run you’ll need countermeasures to avoid their NPs!

2) Tristan NP ignore Evasion, while Gareth NP ignore Invincibility by default, nullifying your defensive measures. Moreover, if you fail to break Tristan’s formation, they can all gain ignore Invincibility & ignore DEF, while with Gareth’s formation they will all charge their NP to MAX!

3) Gaps in formation are RNG hell, especially after break when you need to clear two gaps in the same turn: certain card types can be unavailable that turn, crits are not guaranteed by default and of course wasting a damaging NP just to break their formation is the worst-case scenario. Of course, if you fail your frontline is pretty much dead (no matter with crits or NPs, they will kill your servants).

4) All Tristan skills can ruin your fun! He can spam Buff Removal every turn (and yes, he will remove even your Taunts of course), give everyone one-hit Evade just when you break their formation and finally charge his NP (with only 3 bars). Try to stun him after breaking their formation, since before you’ll need party-wide stun given that other knights may have active taunts (Waver NP is a good option in that case)

5) TAUNT BUG: you can hit an enemy with facecards after using your NP even if there is an active Taunt on the field; you simply need to select your target after pressing the “Attack” button (selecting NP and facecards), but keep in mind that it won’t work every time.

1) AoE ARTS servants are the best choice since you’ll need to NP every other turn, so arts looping or arts stall teams are the way to go. Among them Space Ishtar and Summer Musashi are the best DPS, but require high NP level and grails to min-turn (even then there is RNG involved). The only “cheap” option to min-turn is Gong, but he requires grails (at least lv80) and leveled event damage CE.

2) AoE Buster DPS can work, but there is more RNG involved to refund with Arts cards (for that reason they need star absorption skills to enable Arts crit buffed by Castoria). Mama Raikou has special damage against all the knights aside Bedi and can absorb the stars she produces with her NP (again need high NP levels). From the archer class Gilgamesh and Tesla can “loop” their NP (thanks to their NP gain buff and star absorption for Gilgamesh) and they deal special damage to the knights (stacks multiplicatively with all other buffs): the sabers will be destroyed, Gareth will be killed by 4 NPs, so you just need to check if you can kill Tristan to min-turn (grailed NP1 Gilgamesh can work!)

3) AoE Quick DPS are the worst choice simply because aside double Skadi we still lack a good third Quick support to push the numbers higher and furthermore the Knights have an extra passive 80% debuff resistance, so Skadi def down will miss most of the time. Anyway, similarly to Buster setups, you’ll need extra RNG to refund with facecards.

4) SOLO Servants in theory can bypass the RNG hell of the formations, but good luck surviving the buff removal, ignore invincibility/evade, crits and NP spam. Tristan is the first that needs to be killed in solo attempts (for the buff removal spam), followed by Gareth (for the ignore invincibility on her NP), then Lancelot for his crits. Summer Kiara would have been the best choice if not for the extra 80% debuff resistance on the knights which nullify her damage potential. The best choice is instead Van Gogh, since her Terror has 500% chance of landing/stunning the Knights and she has Guts to survive the ignore invincibility (Tristan can also remove Mental Debuffs like Terror, he really is a pain in the ass for this fight).

00:00 Gong 4T
06:14 Gilgamesh 4T

-FGO(Fate/Grand Order)の攻略動画

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