

FGO(Fate/Grand Order)の攻略動画

[FGO] Chaldea Challenge 4 - Hard Mode: No Event Servants, No CEs


Final Batlle 13:05 Battle End 20:24

This challenge was made under reddit user /u/Teerexil rules posted in this thread (https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/4w6123/chaldea_challenge_4_anniversary_appreciation/?st=iridt7y4&sh=ad232ff8).

The challenges consist in using a team made full of free servants (Shielder, story reward, and event Servants) to beat the last map in America, Chicago.

I dediced to play it hard mode consisting in no using event servants at all, and to make it still more challenging i did not used any CE on my servants.

Enjoy the run!

-FGO(Fate/Grand Order)の攻略動画

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