


SMITE Patch 5.14 - PELE RELEASE! - Goddess of Volcanoes - Patch Notes Live Viewing


SMITE Patch 5.14 Patch Notes for "Goddess of Volcanoes", the release Patch of the new polynesian assassin Pele. Live viewing of the patch, discussing the new god as well as Freya nerfs and the Bellona Tier 5 skin. The Ares and Ganesha Tier 5 skin are also teased.

Goddess of Volcanoes | 5.14 Update Notes: https://www.smitegame.com/news/goddess-of-volcanoes-5-14-update-notes

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Published on Nov 30, 2016
FREE DOWNLOAD at OC ReMix: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03457
ReMixer: ZiSotto (http://ocremix.org/artist/14501/zisotto)
MORE MUSIC: http://ocremix.org • DONATE: http://patreon.com/ocremix • FOLLOW: http://facebook.com/ocremix & http://twitter.com/ocremix

• Game: Donkey Kong Country (Nintendo, 1994, SNES)
• ReMixer(s): ZiSotto
• Composer(s): David Wise, Eveline Novakovic, Robin Beanland
• Song(s): "Aquatic Ambiance"
• Posted: 2016-11-30, evaluated by Chimpazilla
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