


Shadow Play on Mental Health | Team Parindey | Fiesta'19 | AIIMS | MHF (India) | 4th Oct. 2019


Shadow Play on Mental Health by Team Parindey of Theatre Society of Mata Sundari College, University of Delhi on the Occasion of Mental Health Fiesta 2019.
Mental Health Foundation (India) in association with Department of Psychiatry, AIIMS, New Delhi organised its 6th Annual Mental Health Event on 4th October 2019 on the occasion of World Mental Health Week'19.

This year the Official theme of the week was, "Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Promotion". The Mental Health Fiesta hosted a Pandora of activities ranging from panel discussions on the topic of "Bullying", "Suicide Prevention" and "Modern Romantic Relationships" respectively. Further, it hosted several cultural performances, exhibitions and stimulating activities in the much sought for "self-care-zone"!

The Fiesta'19 addressed an audience of 1350+ participants, volunteers and invitees which created a social event of the season during world mental health week. The event also drew attention from the Hon'ble Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Dr. Harsh Vardhan.

MHF Fiesta'19 was graced by the presence of three Padma Shri Awardees: Prof. Rndeep Guleria (Director, AIIMS, New Delhi), Prof. Balram Bhargava (Director, ICMR) and Shree Surendar Sharma (Renowned Hasya Kavi).



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