


John Cockerill - The NESA Solution (Multiple Hearth Furnace - MHF)


More information: https://johncockerill.com/en/environment/thermal-treatment-of-solids-minerals-biomasswaste-sludge/

From Design to Build : the Multi-Hearth Furnace (MHF) supplied by John Cockerill to the Province of Prato, Italy. This new MHF is destined to the incineration of sludge from the local sewage treatment plant that is treating the waste water of over 300,000 civil and industrial users, including a key player in this region, the local textile industry.

Founded on the excellent experience with the first MHF, ordered in 1977, the client renewed its trust in our proven "The Nesa Solution©" technology. Thanks to its new design and the optimized & embedded control system (ECS), the new furnace provides both an increased efficiency & security.


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