


MHF Lyrical Acting in Opera 2021 - Maarten Koningsberger , Baritone and Vocal Coach


This year the Margreet Honig Foundation organizes a new summer course: LYRICAL ACTING IN OPERA. From August the 2nd untill the 7th, voice teacher Maarten Koningsberger will work together with director and acting teacher David Prins and répétiteur Luba Podgayskaya. They will be assisted by language coach Flavio Aulino. The course will take place in Splendor, Amsterdam (NL).

LYRICAL ACTING IN OPERA is about a truthful connection with yourself, your role figure, your fellow players and your audience. The coaches provide you with the tools that make it possible to express yourself in character and sound. This intensive summer course will be concluded with a public presentation in Splendor - Amsterdam.

Idomeneo, Rè di Creta - Opera seria - 1781 Munich
Le nozze di Figaro - Opera buffa - 1786 Vienna

Don Giovanni - Dramma giocoso - 1787 Prague
Cosí fan tutte - Dramma Giocoso - 1790 Vienna

Die Zauberflöte - Singspiel - 1791 Vienna

Maarten Koningsberger - Musical and vocal coach
David Prins - Acting and recitative coach
Luba Podgayskaya - Répétiteur
Flavio Aulino - Italian language coach

To apply for LYRICAL ACTING IN OPERA, please send your curriculum vitae and 2 recent recordings of operatic arias (mp3 format) to: margreethonigsummeracademy@gmail.com.
Please Note: You can only apply if you have finished your 2nd year Bachelor Classical Singing.

Application Deadline: May 22, 2021

Email: margreethonigsummeracademy@gmail.com
(please mention “Lyrical Acting" in the email-title)


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