


【MHF-ZZ】 HR6 Supremacy Teostra [Slay] - Hammer (No Hiden)


The active feature of hammer wasn't on during the hunt.
I did this hunt before hitting G Rank to avoid getting any kind of bonus on HR quests (even though I was in adren, so it would've been the same).

I noticed that there are almost no videos about this monster where someone hunts it with the appropriate gear (no GR stuff and no extreme style), so I decided to do it myself.

I currently don't have the intention of doing a speedrun (especially with hammer since it can be frustrating to aim at a good time with a monster that loves losing yours), but things can always change.

For information, Supremacy Teostra has the following stats.
- HP = 28800
- Def. = 0.6
- Attack = 6.6

(yes, the video is only in 720p because I used the wrong option when rendering it)

0:08 the battle starts wonderfully
4:31 I cart like an idiot
5:31 Teo decides that he loves that corner
10:04 Teo has finally left that corner
11:57 close call
13:56 another close call before I morb
14:25 he ded
15:30 I forgor the tail


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