


#jam #bobdylan #gratefuldead Matt Hartle 1/21/24 Grateful Dead #mhf #santacruzmusic #jerrygarcia


January 21, 2024 Felton Music Hall - Matt Hartle and Friends Grateful Sunday - featuring Anna Elva, Jordan Feinstein and Mike Meager this week - this is another teaser - MC Multi-Cam™ was there laying down the sweet tracks, live edited many cams and professional grade audio - EXCLUSIVELY ONLY ON THIS CHANNEL - stay tuned - don't miss it- full concert - this was a jam section during its all over now Baby Blue Bob Dylan classic

Help Support the Santa Cruz Music Scene and this channel and these bands by liking this video and subscribing - FREE - The Herman Channel on YouTube - That will cause YouTube to promote the videos of these local Santa Cruz bands globally even more.

FAN FREAKIN' TASTIC - GREAT NEWS - THIS IS BIG NEW - We will be LIVE Streaming MATT Hartle MANY CAMERAS with Professional Grade Audio lived edited many cams while its happening - - 2024 ALL GRATEFUL SUNDAYS 2024 by MC Multi-Cam - Grateful lucky blessed to bring you gremlins Matt Hartle and friends live edited with many cameras and professional grade audio - try to bring the action right into your computer through your phone and into your soul share it all together and of course they're gonna sound amazing hopefully don't mess it up but there's a lot going on riding the bucking bronco of a hobby in the middle of a party partying at so buckle up youze freaky fabs and let's enjoy the ride

There's a whole lot more content found only on The Herman Channel - home to MC Multi-Cam™ live edited concert videos with many cameras and professional grade audio while it happens- exclusively on The Herman Channel on YouTube and at HermanChannel.Com


WORLD PREMIERE Video ©Herm Kalfen


Video ©Herm Kalfen




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