


12 - MHF Love Letter July 2024: BONUS - Global Coherence Guided Meditation with Mayra McCullough


Join me in this 3 minutes guided meditation to create global coherence. Coherence is a state of unity between your mind, body, and spirit. This state of harmony allows you to be more present and aware. When you are in a state of coherence, your body can heal itself and function optimally. Global Coherence is when we let go of the illusion of separation, embracing our ability to resonate with one another in the frequency of love. Time and space disappear, and we welcome the quantum to do its work by connecting each other's hearts with one intention.

Grab some tea, play your favorite meditation music, and dive in with me.

These AI Images were created by an artist who took the vision that came to me early this year when I was guided in a meditation journey with the question: ask your future self where your business will be in five years. I expected a project, programs, and offerings I would be producing, but instead, I was given a sacred frequency I am to nurture to support our planet's detox process.


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