


Overwatch: Double Shield META is DEAD! - 250 HP McCree Patch Review


Crazy new PTR recently aims to really take Orisa Sigma down a tier while also making some impactful tweaks to the DPS and Support tier as well. Baptiste loses healing, Hanzo loses damage and McCree loses portion control (if you laughed, say so in the comments). Although ThicCree is more tanky, he also has less firepower, making him a bit more interactive even if it does become the be-all-end-all DPS at higher tiers, it's unlikely to break the game for most players due to the difficulty of his Peacekeeper. Overall, Power Creep has been taking serious L's in 2020 and Overwatch is likely heading to a very toned down, individual impact play style rather than the Power Creep super-comps we had in the previous era. If you enjoyed the video, please be sure to leave it a like!

ThicCree PTR Patch notes: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-ptr-patch-notes-%E2%80%93-jan-23-2020/450285

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