


Overwatch 2 - Multiple NEW Heroes! - Endgame Details?! - Meta CHAOS!


Loads of Overwatch 2 new details! Jeff Talks Overwatch 2 endgame, potential radical changes to PvP, MULTIPLE NEW Heroes with Overwatch 2 launch and much more! Pizza Hero haha???!! Jeff also talks about possible Overwatch movies and animated series. Lots of info here in this Edge Overwatch 2 interview guys, so lets break it down! Could launching multiple new heroes with Overwatch 2 mean we get playable Null Sector heroes?

I hope they really come up with some insane ideas for Hero Missions. I really want Overwatch raid events. Maybe a super strong Null Sector Omnic spawns random on the world map, and you have to all jump in and take the raid boss down.

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