


Overwatch - THIS IS INSANE FUN! How Have I just Realized This?! - Quick Play VS Comp!


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I've been sleeping on Quick Play, and now I feel like and idiot 🙁 The Overwatch meta has been TERRIBLE for months, to the point of the game being unplayable. That's about to change with the HUGE PTR balance patch hitting live. But one thing has happened to me since then. I've been playing way more Quick Play. It first started on PTR to test the new balance changes out, but as the population on the PTR died off, I was forced to go back to competitive on live. BUT ITS TRASH! I was literally losing my mind and having zero fun playing comp on live. So I decided to fire up Quick Play on live, and I've been having a total blast.

I can play the hero I want! 222 gives the games structure, so they're fun! NOBODY FLAMES! No competitive anxiety! I stop playing Overwatch when I'm tired, NOT WHEN I'VE BEEN FLAMED OFF THE GAME!!!!

I can't believe it';s taken me literally 4 years to realize Quick Play is this much fun.

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