


Overwatch - FREE SR?! Mei and Reaper are BROKEN! - NERFS Needed!


Want free Overwatch SR? Then play Mei or Reaper XD
Mei is super OP and Broken right now! But she's not the only one. Reaper is also super OP and broken right now! These heroes dominate the meta, especially Mei! Both of these heroes benefit from buffs given to them during GOATS meta (to counter tank heavy comps - before 222 role lock was a thing) - maybe it's time Blizzard go back and revert some of the older buffs to these heroes. Mei is super tanky, loads of suitability, she can control the pace of fights, she's got awesome get out of jail abilities and a fantastic ultimate. Mei is absolutely the best DPS in the game right now. This is something I've said before in previous videos, but now it's even more prevalent. Reaper is VERY dominant in lower ranks (Bronze to Gold) - there are very little options for dealing with him, but not only that... we also see loads of Reaper usage at higher levels and even at the pro level. Just like Mei, he has awesome individual survivability, but where Mei has an incredible ultimate Reaper has fantastic movement from Shadowstep!

These heroes need nerfing, or they'll start to take over the game. Mei is especially overbearing and very frustrating to play against, and Reaper is very difficult to punish.

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