


Overwatch - Priority Pass Ticket ABUSE?! Brig Nerf - Ana and Moira Buffed!


Priority pass queue system is now live on the PTR - but can it easily be abused by DPS players? It's Overwatch news! Today in Overwatch we see Brig's HP being nerfed back to pre buff levels. She now has 150hp as opposed to 175hp. Certain members of the community have been very vocal about Brigitte and the need to nerf her - do you guys agree? Ana and Moira get buffed, Ana can now throw nades through full HP targets and Moira get's more healing power! Hanzo, Symmetra, Torbjon and Mei all see quality of life changes. On PTR the Overwatch replay viewer gets updated with new options to allow for easier content creation.

Patch Notes - https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-ptr-patch-notes-%E2%80%93-november-19-2020/567050
Priority Pass Explained https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/news/23572231/
Live patch notes https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-retail-patch-notes-%E2%80%93-november-19-2020/566973

0:00 Intro
0:10 Priority Pass on PTR
1:39 Priority Pass Tickets - How Do They Work?
3:17 Buff and Nerfs
3:25 Ana Nade buffed
4:33 Brig HP Nerfed
5:28 Moira Healing Buffed
6:06 Hanzo, Mei, Symmetra and Torbjorn Changes
7:00 Scott Mercer on Priority Pass System
7:46 Why Overwatch Needs Priority Pass Queue
9:48 How Does Priority Pass Work For Teams?
10:56 Why Does Damage Have Long Queue Times?
12:36 Thanks For Watching Guys!

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