


NEW Overwatch Meta Guide - Playmaking Support Carry Playstyle


The Overwatch community is still reeling from the past few months of massive downscaling of power to the game. This has made it harder to play traditional Tanks, but open far more opportunities for using power positions on maps for attack value. The nerfs have had a twofold effect on the Support:Tank relationship, with less healing, tanks suffer when holding bad positioning, but what's more, it rewards a player who knows how to switch priorities to take offensive opportunities which retain their power from previous patches. The new meta is all about Map control and powerful abilities/attacks and Supports, who arguably could've always been described as the strongest role, now have a much higher playmaking requirement as without it, their tankline simply can't hold their ground. So far, it hasn't seemed like most of the community has realized the power shift in the game and where to re-focus our efforts and attention. Support players who play too passively will get overwhelmed by ones that take an active role in playmaking for the team. We'll need more guides to maximize the gamesense on how to enact this playstyle, map control especially, to be sure to not miss out on upcoming guides be sure to click the bell icon to get notiffied when our videos come out!

00:00 Intro
00:26 Strongest Role Misconceptions
02:36 Supports are just DPS who also can Heal
03:42 Community Misconception on Support Playstyle
04:56 How Supports Should Use the Space Main Tanks Make
07:53 How to take Carry Positions as Support
09:29 Supports Can still Carry with a Throwing Main Tank
16:21 Necessary Support Play Risks for High Reward
18:28 NEW Meta State, Why Tanks are Easily Counterable
20:52 Remaining Power Creep in Overwatch
22:46 Overwatch is still largely Skill Based
24:02 Submit Replays for Upcoming Guides!

Looking for Replay submissions for big ranged hitscan guide [Widow, Ashe, McCree, Soldier] where you thought you played well, but lost anyway, submit here https://forms.gle/MiCAgEqwk6J8HENY9

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