


HUGE Damage Hero Role Passive BUFF! - Launch Day Overwatch 2 Changes!


Geoff Goodman is no longer the Lead Hero Designer for Overwatch 2. While it's hard to gauge the reason for his departure and how much it tangibly affects Overwatch 2 and the future, in any case it's likely we see a change in how heroes are designed into the future. There is a brand new patch for Overwatch 2 that you can expect to see in the Overwatch League Countdown Cup, but also come game release October 4th. The new patch reigns in Junkerqueen, tunes a lot of heroes but gives a MASSIVE DPS passive buff that I'm fairly sure will need tuning or adjustment.

00:00 Intro
00:43 Geoff Goodman Leaves Blizzard
03:10 Junkerqueen Nerfs
05:20 Overshield now grants 50% ult when damaged
07:30 ALL ROLES Retain up to 30% Ult on Hero Swap
09:15 NEW Insane Damage Role Passive!
10:39 Orisa Buffs
12:14 DVa Buffs
13:44 Brigitte Nerf
14:48 Baptiste Buff
15:22 Mercy Buffs
16:31 Bastion Buff
17:54 Reaper Buff
18:17 Sojourn Nerf
19:30 Sombra Buff

Dev Blog https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/news/23824005/overwatch-2-developer-blog-tuning-hero-balance-for-launch/
PC Gamer https://www.pcgamer.com/overwatch-2-loses-its-lead-hero-designer/

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