


Overwatch: The #1 HUGE Mistake ALL Plat Players Make


Coaching Videos finally return and today we cover one of the most common problems players come into contact with, at many ranks but most commonly at plat. Playing too passive will hide your weaknesses and lower your carry potential. Sure, maybe you avoid death and can point the finger at your feeding teammates, but are you TAKING over the game? No. You're along for the ride, that's no way to improve or play ranked in general. Instead in this video we try to teach how to get past the # 1 huge mistake all plat players make, learn to play aggro, take openings, use cooldowns to secure eliminations and challenge yourself. Getting past lower ranks is all about avoiding death, now at plat, it's time to actually make plays. If you enjoyed the video please be sure to leave it a like and don't forget to subscribe!

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