


【PSO2】Te/Ph ディバイドクエスト ステップ 26~30 ソロ Sランク


ステップ26 00:01 ステップ27 03:10 ステップ28 07:22 ステップ29 09:32 ステップ30 13:20

(Finally exchanged materials for a Stil Wand!)
(I wasn't able to do so in my last challenge but, I was hoping to be able to use a Stil Wand to clear Step 26~30 of Divide Quest. That's because I wasted some of my Grania so I had to wait for almost one month before the exchange cooldown is gone. That cooldown was today, and so I immediately exchanged my Puras Wand to Stil Wand, and went over to clear Step 26~30 as originally intended.)

ヴァニアスティル (光) - 145打 145法 S1:錬成 S2:災輝 S3:妙志2 S5:妙志
リバレイトウォンド (光) - 235打 175法 S4:短杖 S5:衝杖
シャヴァルメルム (光) - 115打 240法 S1:法増, フレイズ・ウィーク

Used weapons for this video:
Vania Stil (L) - 145S 145T S1:Augmnt S2:CursRad S3:S.Strike2 S5:MysIntent
Liberate Wand (L) - 235S 175T S4: Wand S5: Shockwave
Chaval Melm (L) - 115S 240T S1:Tech Boost, Phrase Weak

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