


How to get PSO2, PSO2 Tweaker and Making SEGA Account


Time Skip to making SEGA account: 5:47

Decided to make a video of this for you lot. Since I am somewhat playing PSO2 again (and told you guys I would make a video about this eventually), here it is. To download the game, you can go through the main site or download it through Tweaker. I'll advise Tweaker. The important part is getting your SEGA account up and ready. Without it, you cannot enter PSO2.

Hopefully this helps. Any questions, comments, concerns, or any question about ingame stuff, leave it down below.

I will make a video on how to get it through PSN eventually and will add it to the end of this video or in the description later on.

If you want to add me, I am on Ship 2.
Character name: Xillian Cheryl
Account name: XillianCheryl

Links to the following things:

PSO2 Tweaker:

PSO2 Main Site:

Hiragana Keyboard:


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