


[PSO2:NGS] Vet Waulon BrFo Katana Only 01:56 (No Damage)


waulon is an underrated sparring partner...more forgiving than bujin-sensei...makes for good practice timing PAs and counters

i havent seen ppl running waulon so i decided to challenge myself and follow bujin cocoon parameters:
- only one brave combat finisher
- no photon blast
- timed from first hit to death then added 4s...takes ~4s for first hit on bujin

would love to see other ppl try it out...i played really conservatively here for a no-damage run so theres room to improve

bow gets some love here too...cant have minions getting in the way xD

resurgir wl+katana (atk5) - might3, gmight2, secreta2, daityl2
geant (guard2) - might3, gmight2, secreta2, daityl2
geant x2 (perform1) - might3, gmight2, secreta2, daityl2
vialto talis+bow (atk4) - prec3, gprec2, secreta2, pettas2

food: +9.8pot, +10pp, -5pp consumption, +14pp recovery
mag: +5pot


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