


PSO2 Showing How I Affix My Weapon


Just found this 12* today, and I thought this best time showing how I affix my weapons.
To get a weapon over 4s+ you just add random junk into the weapon/unit 1st (anything thats 100% ex. Power 1, Shoot 1, and so on.....) So if you wanted 5s you stop adding junk up to 5s. Then you will buy two 5s Soul.You will add the soul into the weapon/unit.(if you're lucky with 80%) Then you will buy a weapon that had the Soul and the other stuff you want to add to the weapon. For me I want "Quart Soul, Power 3, Ability 3, Spirita 3, and Power Boost". To make this you have to buy a weapon that has "Quartz Soul, Power 3, Tech 3, Shoot 3, Spirita 3, and X"(X = junk). Power 3, Tech 3, and Shoot 3 make Ability 3. To add Power Boost, you will have to buy a item from the player's shop, or AC starch it. In the video you will see I use a item to add Power Boost. I hope this help. if you need any help message me !

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You can also contact me in game if you want.
- Ship 01 SEA PSO2.
- Ship 02 and 04 on JP PSO2.

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